Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Research Visitors

Visits of International Scientists

  • Brigitte Pientka, Associate Professor, McGill University

    February 21 – 24

  • Gopalan Nadathur, Professor, University of Minnesota

    July 10 – 12

  • Elaine Pimentel, Associate Professor, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais

    June 6 – July 17

  • Chuck Liang, Professor, Hofstra University

    March 6 – May 6 and December 17 – 24


  • Yuting WANG (May – August)

    • Subject: Development of the Abella theorem prover.

    • Institution: University of Minnesota (United States)

  • Florence Clerc (March – July)

    • Subject: Relating double-negation translations and focused proof systems

    • Institution: Master Parisien de Recherche en Informatique

  • Zakaria Chihani (April – September)

    • Subject: Proof certificates for some basic proof systems in classical logic

    • Institution: Master Parisien de Recherche en Informatique

Visits to International Teams

  • Stefan Hetzl has visited the Vienna University of Technology four times, for a total of 36 days, within the framework of the FWF/ANR Structural project.